Friday, October 4, 2013

ブログの評価基準(ひょうかきじゅん=Grading Criteria)


今日みんなで話した「ブログの評価基準(ひょうかきじゅん=Grading Criteria)」をまとめました(=I summarized it.)。ブログを書く時は、こういう点(てん=points, aspects)に気をつけて書きましょうね。

1.     Language

  • Variety of grammar /uses structures learned in class
  • Appropriate use of kanji
  • Minimal use of English/Use Japanese, except when using English to explain new terms
  • Use of conjunctions
2.     Content
  • Related to theme
  • Entertaining/has minimal usage of pictures or other multimedia content (not just text)
  • Keep it interesting
3.     Layout
  • Good formatting, makes it easy to read, has paragraphs as appropriate
4.     Communication/Consideration
  • Make comments/ Respond back to comments
  • Consideration of the audience
  • No negative comments, but politely show disagreements
  • Leave the meaning for kanji other people may not know (Have a key for difficult words)
5.     Frequency
  • Do not miss posting assignments.

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